Why subscribe?

Because you love DELICIOUS THINGS.

Especially fancy chocolate, flaky croissants and incredible desserts.

You probably you either live in or near London, or are planning to visit.

But even if you don’t:

I share recommendations beyond London, plus books and products that are available across the UK and sometimes abroad.

Most weeks I share a micro-dive (can that be a thing?) into a food or something else, so you’ll feel smarter. 😄

Some weeks you’ll hear from people I trust in the industry and get their hot tips.

My goal is to help connect you to genuinely delicious things.

I want to help you sort through the overwhelm of Instagram, TikTok, TripAdvisor and Google to enjoy things that I, and the people I trust, recommend.

Also, it’s a recommended publication by Substack!

This happened in December 2023.

This made my year. 😄

Why become a paid subscriber?

To access my obssessive exploration of delicious things for just £49 for a whole year?

That includes monthly live chats to literally ask me anything.

Whatever place or food item or brand you’re curious about, if it’s bakery related, I’ve probably written about it. Even if it’s not, I might have.

As a paid subscriber you get access to the 80+ newsletters I’ve already written and you can use Substack’s excellent search engine to find whatever you’re pondering on.

But if it’s not there:

On the first Monday of every month I’ll be available live for your questions for half an hour from 8pm UK time. 😱

Here are some of the top-read and most useful newsletters so far:

Paris, March 2024: Part 1 (26 places across two walking tours - one around Gare du Nord / Montmatre, and one around Saint Germain)

The 22 bakeries I went to in Copenhagen and which ones you should go to

My Food Guide to Amsterdam (a list of 40+ places I either went or had trusted recommendations for, including pictures, addresses and what I tried)

What I loved in Kent

The best Melbourne Bakeries Part 1

The best Melbourne Bakeries Part 2

The best Melbourne Bakeries & Patisseries Part 3

Where to eat in Melbourne

Where to eat in Abruzzo, Italy

The best chocolate shop in Vietnam

Is this the best plant based chocolate cake?

Is this London’s best brownie?

Highlights from Salon du Chocolat in Paris (& therefore patisseries to visit in Paris)

Things I saw at the Restaurant & Takeaway Innovation Expo (2023)

Paid subscribers will also get first access to events I’ll be running in 2024 and beyond. (The Croissant event I held in March sold out!)

Why me?

Hi! I’m Jen. 👋🥰

Thanks for reading!

My actual day job is to show people delicious things. I’ve been running Chocolate Ecstasy Tours since 2005 (yep, I can’t get my head around it either) and I also work as a Food Innovation Consultant because I understand retail and manufacturing having worked as a Buyer and Food Developer (maybe one day I’ll write about what it was like to design McFlurry’s for McDonald’s…).

I’m on the Grand Jury of the Academy of Chocolate and I’m a judge for the Great Taste Awards, the Quality Food Awards, the International Chocolate Awards, the Brazilian Chocolate Awards, and others.

Hopefully all of that means you’ll trust my recommendations. 😅

Each week I’ll tell you about things I genuinely recommend are worth eating (or drinking). I spend most of my time in London, sometimes travelling, I also visit food trade shows and share the most exciting new products that might be in a supermarket or deli near you soon.

Old emails will be locked so subscribe to get make sure you don’t miss a mention. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

Join me!

We all eat better when we share our recommendations! I love hearing from you and this is where you can tell me you don’t agree with me - or let me know if a place’s standards have slipped since I told you about it. I’ll be here, replying back to you and someone else might chip in, too.

Come and join the food obsessed. The people who plan their trips around where they’ll eat. And the people who ask to see the dessert menu before they order anything else.

I can’t wait to chat with you!

Jen xx

P.S. if you’d like me to show you around (with London history too!), book a team building event, client entertaining or have me come and give a delicious after dinner talk (with chocolate, of course) then visit


☺️ or just email me: jennifer@jenniferearle.com.

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Food recommendations for London & beyond from an International Chocolate Awards judge, Great Taste Award judge, food developer & food tour guide since 2005. Expect lots of bakery & chocolate news. Plus recommendations from others and fun food facts!


I love food. Especially food made with love. I live in London and run Chocolate Ecstasy Tours, a business I started in 2005. I used to be a food buyer and developer. I judge food awards and also work as a food innovation consultant.